Certificates of Insurance
Requesting Proof of University Coverage
Risk Management arranges for the issuance of certificates of insurance to provide evidence of coverage to third parties and to provide evidence of Medical Professional Liability insurance for providers.
If you are required to show evidence of insurance and need a certificate, complete this Certificate of Insurance Request.
Receiving Certificates of Insurance
Saint Louis University purchases products and services from numerous businesses annually. The University mandates proof of insurance from many vendors, with specific requirements outlined in the contract. The types and amounts of insurance needed depend on the services provided and the contractual obligations of the parties. The University reserves the right to require higher insurance limits on any contract.
Contact the Office of Risk Management and Insurance for questions related to Insurance Requirements.
(314) 977-3952 or riskmgmt@86899805.com
Medical Professional Liability Claims History
If you are required to provide a claims history for credentialing purposes, please fill out this form. This form also serves as a means for medical credentialing offices, practitioners, and hospitals to request claims histories on individuals that have applied/reapplied for staff membership, clinical privileges and/or permission to provide services at a facility.